
Showing posts from April, 2015

Role based Spring security

If you need Spring jsp page authorization means follow the below steps, Step 1: Need to activate web authorization in web security file use-expressions="true" in http tag  in security xml file ex:  <http .... use-expressions="true"> then you configure pom.xml for download spring <dependency> <groupId> </groupId> <artifactId> spring-security-taglibs </artifactId> <version> 3.2.5.RELEASE </version> </dependency> Step2. Then add the tag lib in your need jsp page Ex: <%@ taglib prefix = "security" uri = "" %> Step3: Then check the hasRole in jsp page Ex: <security:authorize access = "hasRole('ROLE_USER')" > This text is only visible to a user <br/> </security:authorize> <security:authorize access = "hasRole('ROLE_ADM